1) People are lazy
2) There are only so few ideas floating around this universe and they have all been thought up before.
That may be little extreme, but take technology--we cannot even comprehend what is coming next, but no matter what, there will always be what I like to call "combo-ventions." Quite simply a combination of multiple inventions. I think it started with the camera-phone, but maybe that is when I first picked up on it.
I'm rambling...
Convergence Journalism (back on track)--there is no better way to combine all of the incredible technologies that society has been perfecting over hundreds of years, than to jumble them up in a logical sense and create a multimedia story.
Allison Diaz has perfected all the skills needed to create one of these sensational stories. Using Audio, and still photography, she is able to tell a story emotionally and honestly. It was interesting to talk with her and hear first hand what it is like to be a recent graduate trying to make ends-meat.
The use of audio in a multimedia story can not only compliment the still photography or video that it is layered upon, but also act as the glue holding together the entire story.
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